Friday, December 12, 2014

Asean Quiz

The penultimate quiz of 2014 will be brought from overseas. The BQC will host the IR round of the Asean Quiz championship which was held last month in Manila. The Questions having been contributed by over 40 quizmasters across the world and collated by BQC veteran Rajiv Rai, It has world class written all over it. 90 top questions to keep you interested on an on an otherwise event-less Sunday.
The quiz was meant for teams of 4, but we will employ our usual BQC quizsaathi algorithm, so all you need to do is just show up. For all those planning to resolve to attend quizzes from 2015, take a little head start, there’s no better quiz than this one for it.

Quizmaster: Various Artists
 When: 3 PM, Sunday, 20 September, 2009 (Please be there by 2:45 PM for team assignments) Where: Pinstorm, Ground Floor, Swati House (Next to Kotak Bank on Linking Road), North Avenue, Santa Cruz (W).