We're hosting six quizzes over two days (2-3 March, 2013), and we'd like to have as many people over as we possibly can. Last year, we had a most wonderful turnout, and we're hoping to top that this year.
Not only have we scheduled the events so that locals and visitors from out of town can make it to the events and back comfortably, we've also put together a wide range of topics for our quizzes, and INR 60,000 in prize money.
Schedule, venue and other fun details of the event below:
The Venue: Bhagini Samaj Hall, Road No. 3, Hindu Colony, Dadar (E), Mumbai - 400014.
Day 1 - Saturday, 2 March 2013
- The Sports Quiz
- Teams of 3 or fewer
- Start Time: 1030 hrs
- Quizmasters: Atul Mathew and Srinath TB
- The Bombay Quiz (Written)
- Teams of 3 or fewer
- Start Time: 1430 hrs
- Quizmaster: Shubhankar Gokhale
- The Movies Quiz
- Teams of 3 or fewer
- Start Time: 1600 hrs
- Quizmasters: Abhinav Dasgupta and Vibhendu Tewari
- The Literature Quiz
- Teams of 3 or fewer
- Start Time: 0930 hrs
- Quizmasters: Anannya Deb, Sumant Srivathsan and Vibhendu Tewari
- The Roti Kapda Makan Quiz (Food, Fashion and Literature - Written)
- Teams of 3 or fewer
- Start Time: 1330 hrs
- Quizmasters: Amit Pandeya, Govind Grewal and Vikram Joshi
- The Bombay Open Quiz
- Teams of 3 or fewer
- Start Time: 1500 hrs
- Quizmasters: Aditya Gadre, Rajiv Rai and Sumant Srivathsan
We will update the break-up of the prize money shortly. Meanwhile, book your tickets, clear your calendars, and inform the folks at home. And your friends too, if they'd like to join us as well.