The second edition of Mega-Whats, the KQA's National Open Quizzing Championship, takes place this Sunday in nine cities across the country. The BQC had a strong showing at last year's event,with 3 of our teams in the top ten.
The Mumbai round will take place at the IES Management College in Bandra. There are prizes for the Best School,College and Open Teams. There is no entry fee.More details on the event here
Quizmasters: Arul Mani and Kiran Vijayakumar
Team Size: Teams of FOUR members (or less)
Centre coordinator: Ashwan Lewis
When: Sunday, 12th December 2010
Reporting Time:1430
Quiz starts at 15:00
Where:Seminar Hall, 6th floor, Management College, IES MCRC “Vishwakarma” M.D. Lotlikar Vidya Sankul, 791, S. K. Marg, Bandra Reclamation (Opp Lilavati hospital), Mumbai – 400 050 Board Line : 91-22- 61378484